Our Team
We at Props Tree & Landscape, Inc. stand for expertise, creativity and many years of experience. We strive to protect the environment and use only eco-friendly materials.Being a family business and serving our community for over 36 years, we strive to do the best in all aspects of our industry. We employ great family-oriented personnel that love what they do and that is what makes up the team at Props Tree & Landscape, Inc.
See for yourself and get to know us better!

Robert Props
Vice PresidentASCA, Registered Consulting Arborist #429
As a son of Props and Company founder, Rodney Props, Robert has a lifetime of experience in the Arboriculture industry. At the mere age of 7 years, Robert learned how to operate stump grinders with his father. From there, he learned how to operate and maintain chainsaws, operate brush chippers, and operate tree spades, and cranes. He began climbing and pruning trees full time in 1991, which helped him gain the experience to become a Certified Arborist in 1993.

Rick Props
Vice PresidentPest Control QAL #98474
As a son of Props and Company founder, Rodney Props, Rick has a lifetime of experience in the Arboriculture industry. At the mere age of 5 years, Rick learned how to operate stump grinders with his father. Like his older brother, Rick also learned how to operate and maintain chainsaws, become proficient as a tree climber, operate brush chippers, and operate tree spades, and cranes.